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About FOIC


We Live, We Love,
We Serve

The Fellowship of International Churches is a Covenantal movement of Independent Churches, Ministries, Ministers, and Christian Associations who accentuate a consecrated lifestyle, leadership development, and community changes.


    Moreover, these values appear as the following:

  1. Consecration is the commitment to the Bible as God's inerrant and infallible word; prayer and fasting; integrity in living; strong vibrant traditional marriages and families; All in the power of the Holy Spirit.

  2. Leadership Development is Christian discipleship; biblical and community training; and servant leadership.

  3. Missions/Community Change is Evangelistic outreach; Church planting; Christian Community development; Mission work locally, nationally and internationally; and networking with others to bring about change which glorifies God and edifies the total community.


We exist (1) to worship God and bring Him glory; (2) to disciple His people for their destiny; (3) to plant churches to reach the world; (4) to change the community around us for its good.  

Our Beliefs

The doctrinal beliefs upheld by F.O.I.C. are based on the following Statements of Faith. We believe:


  1. The Bible is the inspired Word of God, the product of holy men of old who spoke and wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. We accept it as our infallible guide in matters pertaining to conduct and doctrine​

  2. Our God is One but manifested in three Persons. These Persons are: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

  3. Man is a created being, made in the likeness and image of God; but through Adam’s transgression and fall, sin came into the world. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was manifested to destroy the work of the devil and gave His life, shedding His blood to redeem and restore man back to God.

  4. Man’s first step toward salvation is godly sorrow that works repentance. The new birth is necessary for all men, and when fulfilled produces eternal life.


and MORE...

Our Leadership Team



Wellington Boone

Bishop Wellington Boone is a spiritual father with moral authority for this generation who has spent decades as a pastor, bishop, and time alone with God in the Word of God and prayer. He consistently writes and teaches about biblical worldview, eternity training, racial reconciliation, and Christlike character. He is an author of several popular books and the founder of the Fellowship of International Churches.

Greeting Photo Birthday Instagram Post.p


Ronnie Crudup

Bishop Ronnie C. Crudup Senior is the Founder and Senior Pastor of New Horizon International Church in Jackson, Mississippi, founded in 1987 with a Congregation of about 3,000 members. Not only is he the Senior Pastor of New Horizon Church International, he is also the “Administrative Bishop” for the “Fellowship of International Churches.” Bishop Crudup is highly regarded as a: Compassionate Pastor, a Prolific Scholar of the Bible, a Dynamic Preacher and Teacher, a Visionary Leader and a

Professional Business Leader.



Dexter Jones

Dexter Pierre Jones is the 11 th Senior Pastor of Triumphant Baptist Church and the Executive Director of Triumph Ministries, Inc.  He is the proud husband of Deborah Denise Judge Jones and the father of three wonderful children: Juwan Pierre, Monique LaShae, and Dominique Pierre Jones. He attended the University of Southern Mississippi and Christian Bible College in Baton Rouge, LA and presently attend Alcorn State University.




Annette Caraballo

I've been a member at New Horizon Church for 15 years. I received my Certification as a Minister June 22, 2020.   I am a mother of one daughter.  Born and raised in Los Angeles, California.  I currently serve as the secretary for the Fellowship of International Churches.    My favorite scripture is; Romans 8:28 All things work together for the good for those who LOVE GOD!!

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